GMC Meyvaert, previously Meyvaert Glas NV, is a family business specialised in processing of float glass for interior as well as exterior use, and recently also in processing of ceramics and related.
The family Meyvaert started their activities in 1826 when the first industrial mirror factory was established.
In the beginning they worked at various locations with glass.
Meyvaert also had a mirror shop for private customers for example.
As one of the first companies Meyvaert combined industrial production and distribution.
With the 7th generation they became a world player in processing of single float glass for the furniture and interior industry and eventually a specialist in processing of laminated glass with a high added value for musea projects and for high end projects for hotels and the outdoor sector.
Besides this, since a couple of years their ceramics-department is processing ceramics for high-end outdoor projects as one of the only companies worldwide.
Our recent removal not only meant a new location but also a new production site with up to date machinery in order to give our customers an even better service from now on.
And we also changed our name to express clearly what we stand for now: GMC = GLASS MEYVAERT CERAMICS.
Nevertheless family values are still top priority to us and we want to stay dynamic and innovative.